Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Assigned entry # 6

Even I have to admit I did kind of enjoy the blog project. It's kind of like a more high tech twist on the usual boring journal entries that I am used to doing in English classes. I have no artistic talent so it's kind of nice being able to add pictures and what not to my thoughts. Even though when I do this at work the proxy settings won't let me add pictures. Either way. I would say I have been persuaded to give blogging a second chance. I probably won't be doing it on my personal time considering I hardly had time to do it as an assignment.I did learn to enjoy this though and it is definitely an interesting assignment to have. I probably could have put a little more effort into it though. I suppose we will see how things go next time.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

assigned entry # 5 pink slime

I've seen pictures roaming around the internet about the pink slime. I never knew exactly what it was but now i can totally see the issue. The fact that the FDA approved this for use in schools is honestly quite sickening. The video states that these are the parts of the animal that are used for dog food. Really? Dog food is now okay to feed to our children? or ourselves? I saw a picture of the McDonald's version of the pink slime they use to make their chicken nuggets. It literally just looked like pink toothpaste being squeezed out of a tube in that obscure shape of a chicken nugget. It was gut wrenching. I used to love those chicken nuggets. I used to eat at places like McDonald's all the time. As I got older the food started taking more of toll on me. When i was in high school i could eat 2 big macs and large friend and still have room for some chicken nuggets. If i tried that now i would probably fall into a coma for a month.I understand that it's part of getting older but the change in food regulations has to play part in this too. Had I seen the pink slime making my chicken nuggets i probably would have boycotted those places a long time ago.

Assigned entry #4 food inc.

Overall the food inc. video was very informative. It kind of made me weary of what I'm actually eating. My family is from Eastern Europe (Ukraine and Bulgaria to be specific). Though we haven't seemed to e very religious lately, we are Eastern Orthodox. When my dad was alive we would celebrate Christmas and Easter every year by getting a lamb for a feast. Now I don't mean we went to to the store and bought a rack of lamb or a leg of lamb. We would literally go to my dad's friends house, pick out a live lamb, take it home and my dad and my uncle would"prepare" it for dinner the day before Easter. As a child I was sad at first because my pet lamb that I'd get every year would always "run away" or "jump the fence" but as I grew older. I'd help them. I eventually became kind of numb to the whole process.It was tradition and it had to do with Jesus being the "Lamb of God". Once my dad passed away and my uncle moved back to Bulgaria it only took a few years for us to settle the tradition down. Lamb has just been too hard to find lately. Honestly the lamb you can buy at the store or a butcher shop somewhere doesn't even compare to the fresh, untainted, naturally raised lamb we would have every year. Even though it may seem cruel to some people. We were never mean or malicious to the animal. They would have a good week prior to their end. they roamed my back yard, ate our grass for us. There was no mistreatment of the animal unlike the images of the animals in the video. The chickens being to large to walk. The cows being moved by fork lifts. Not to mention the actual living conditions of the animals. Stuffed into cages and pens with no room to move. up to there bellies in their own shit. We wonder why people get infections from food and this really answers it.

WTF do I do?

Alright, as I mentioned in my previous entries, I got married and divorced a few years ago.In that time I've been very "stand-offish" when it comes to getting emotionally attached to girls. I kinda gave myself a set of standards and have been sticking to them to avoid getting screwed over or hurt again. Yes, ladies I said hurt. Guys do tend to get emotionally attached to you even if it doesn't always seem like it. Anyways. Last month I spent almost my entire birthday week with a girl I've known for awhile. We've always had a good chemistry, but she was dating this other guy for a year or so up until last August. So the break up was pretty fresh still when we started spending more time together. I knew this going in. What I wasn't counting on was how awesome this girl was. I knew she was fun from us being friends but the more time we spent together the more I started to develop these strange emotions that I haven't felt in forever. I've more or less come to face the reality that we are dating. Nothing has been made official. I don't introduce her as my girlfriend nor does she introduce me as her boyfriend. However we do call each other "babe" all the time. We text and snap chat almost all day everyday (aside from the fact our sleep schedules are a bit different). We have way too many inside jokes together. We've started including ourselves in each others plans automatically.She's going out of town this weekend and I can honestly say I will miss her. It kind of pains me to say that. We've talked about the fact that we both obviously have feelings for each other but given how our last relationships have gone we are both kind of nervous to get involved in anything too serious. At the moment we are just enjoying each others company and continuing to have these goofy inside jokes and laugh all the time. I've spent my life telling myself i need to find something i like and hold on to it. So it is hard for me to not want to hang on to this girl because in all honesty I haven't had any desire to hold onto any other ones that I've met in recent years. However understanding that she's just now going through the "screw relationships" phase that i was in for the last two years, I don't want to put any pressure on her to do anything she's not ready to do. Even though I care about this girl and don't want to lose her, I feel like both of us would kind of panic if we got involved in anything serious. So with that being said i don't know what to do. Any advice? anyone?

Sunday, October 20, 2013


I am not normally one to procrastinate. Let me correct myself. I am not normally one to procrastinate things that interest me. In fact i'm usually quite the opposite of a procrastinator and tend to be a more of an "in the now" type of person. I usually jump on opportunities when they arise without thinking through all of the consequences. This in result has lead to Lots of stitches, broken bones, arguments, tears, lost friendships, and a divorce.
 Somethings just don't make me want to get up and run and jump in excitement so I usually tend to put them off. Things guys don't like to do. Shopping, homework, hair cuts, talking on the phone. etc. Of all these homework has to be the worst. It's not that I don't want to do it. It's just that I don't want to sit down and do it. I'm usually full of energy and ready to go and do whatever I want at any moment. It is very hard for me to pass up an opportunity to go out and do something rather than doing homework. Which is exactly why I ended up sitting here, doing the final edits on my essay and writing out a few blogs 6 hours before they are due.
(2 days later)
(no joke)
I actually started writing this a few days ago. I then got busy at work and forgot about it until I started taking care of my other blog entries. With that being said i think i really need to get a grip on my procrastination. or my ADD. Self diagnosed not really sure I have it. 

Assigned entry #3 Wall-E!

To begin Wall-E is one of my favorite Disney movies. I've worked with kids for over 8 years so i have watched a lot of them and have a certain fondness for children's movies. Especially the most recent one since they tend to have subtle adult humor in them.
Anyway. Right off the bat. The people in the future are extremely large and don't even manage to walk on their own. They constantly have food. miraculously appear in front of them that they don't even chew. It's all in a cup!. They don't exercise. They don't really move. All they do is float around on their little beds and eat. I'm all for hover cars and skate boards like back to the future but I think people would actually turn into these fat blobs floating around on recliners.
The second thing i noticed. The children are being taught by a TV screen. It's basically brainwashing them. IT's owned by "Buy N Large" which i assume is like the Costco of the future which in itself will probably end up taking over the entire grocery, clothing, auto, furniture, electronic, and fast food industries. It's another convenience that people are too used too. just like smart phones. Why would i go buy 10 hamburger patties at Safeway for 5 dollars, When I could go to Costco and get 75 for a nickel!
Finally the fact that they all talk to each other on their video chat devices. Even when they are right next to each other. It drives me crazy! I was in my room the other day and got a text from my sister who was right out down the hall. Really? you can't just walk down the hall and come talk to me like a human being?

assigned entry # 2 (only like 2 weeks late)

This is the page I viewed. I know it isn't quite as fancy as the video but it does give generally the same information.Interesting statistics on teens and technology. A lot of these shocked me. For example the video games it seems more adults are getting back into them with an average user age of 34.
Everyone knows someone like the guy below. Why are you checking your phone? You're in the weather! It is ridiculous how dependent most of are on our smart phones. People panic when they lose them. That's why we spend the extra 10$ a month on phone insurance right? Or have most of us just become to dependent on our phones to remember how file an insurance claim without one?
 The fact that really pissed me off was the one about a higher percentage of kids knowing how to use a computer than being able to tie their shoes. I mean seriously? I know technology is the new big thing for kids and I get that, but teaching your kid to work a computer at age 3 isn't necessarily going to make him become the new CEO of Google. Even if it did. He'll never be taken seriously if he's wearing Velcro shoes to all the board meetings. Might as well wear one of those goofy colorful hats with the spinning propeller on top.
The more research I did for this post and the current essay we were writing really started to concern me. However i did research it all on the computer. Technology will be the end of life as we know it. Pretty soon we're going to have a global epidemic caused by a smart system meant to protect us and turning on us like skynet in the terminator movies.