Sunday, October 20, 2013


I am not normally one to procrastinate. Let me correct myself. I am not normally one to procrastinate things that interest me. In fact i'm usually quite the opposite of a procrastinator and tend to be a more of an "in the now" type of person. I usually jump on opportunities when they arise without thinking through all of the consequences. This in result has lead to Lots of stitches, broken bones, arguments, tears, lost friendships, and a divorce.
 Somethings just don't make me want to get up and run and jump in excitement so I usually tend to put them off. Things guys don't like to do. Shopping, homework, hair cuts, talking on the phone. etc. Of all these homework has to be the worst. It's not that I don't want to do it. It's just that I don't want to sit down and do it. I'm usually full of energy and ready to go and do whatever I want at any moment. It is very hard for me to pass up an opportunity to go out and do something rather than doing homework. Which is exactly why I ended up sitting here, doing the final edits on my essay and writing out a few blogs 6 hours before they are due.
(2 days later)
(no joke)
I actually started writing this a few days ago. I then got busy at work and forgot about it until I started taking care of my other blog entries. With that being said i think i really need to get a grip on my procrastination. or my ADD. Self diagnosed not really sure I have it. 


  1. I'm the same way as you! If it interests me, I'll do it right away, but if it's something like homework I put it off till the last minute. I always regret it and tell myself I'll do better next time but then.. nope :P

  2. Hey Vic! Things that interest me I try my best to do as fast as I could as well, although time is a problem sometimes. I work and go to school,so it can get overwhelming. Procrastination is not my initial intent but it does happen.

  3. i know right! sometimes i think that we hard wired to put things off and then run around like crazy to get them done

  4. I hear what you guys are saying. I've been working like 60 hours a week on night shift since September. Sometimes i need a day to recharge and not do anything and that usually leads to me doing other things at the last minute

  5. You are on the right track with these post and present your information in a way that is accessible and interesting to read. They are also visually intriguing and you integrate that material as well.

    A final push to pull all the ideas in your post together at the end is all that is needed to take these to the next level.

    As of 10/27, there is no response to SG#3.
